jueves, septiembre 22, 2016

Rocket scientists.

It doesn't take much to know we're not getting further...

I see it everyday, couples hugging, walking holding hands, laughing, smiling at each other...

We're not like them, that's true, but we are not like us, either. 

That's why we never go out together by ourselves

That's why we stopped going to the movies, that's why we never eat outside, that's why we never look like we are together...

That's why we don't know how to party.

It doesn't take science to notice we barely talk. 

That's why we never know what's going on with the other until it's too late, that's why the most popular word in our relationship is "nothing", because that's what we have...

And it's sad, because I thought I knew this was forever but now I see all this fading away, all my tears, all the pieces of my heart already broken by your "nothings". 

But I can't ask you again, just to get another nothing, it will break me into so many little pieces that would be impossible for me to recover. I'll let you go your way and I'll go mine, wherever they take us is where this is going to end.

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